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Illuminati Goals  Strawman Explained Daily Blog Global Warming Hydrogen Peroxide Protocols of Zion Eric Jon Phelps Exposed   Israeli Soldiers Story  Home  Japan Radiation Hysteria Agenda 2. Treat Parasites Swine Flu HoaxVaccine Links Contact Us E mail  Jane Tripp Time Travel  Discussion   Want to Contact the Editor First read this Nutrition. The Key to Energy By Ken Adachi lt Editoreducate yourself. Anti Nutrients Sugar. Dairy Products Vegetarianism. Water Fiber Juicing. Reccomended Diet Suggested. Reading. The value of proper nutrition cannot be emphasized enough. Your bodys health. Modern supermarket food is devitalized. Organic, fresh, raw foods possess forms. Some of these esoteric. There is a instument available. Vohl Dermatron, that can measure the vital force of food. A simpler. method but no less accurate is to use a dowsing pendulum to determine. Raw foods also contain digestive. The digestive enzymes that. Nature provides with the raw fruit, vegetable, or meat is the perfect match. If you dont get the digestive enzymes in the foods. That requires energy and. Many researchers. When your enzyme producing capacity expires, you expire Vitamins and minerals are much more bio available if they. Nature raw, unprocessed, unextracted. Once you. process food and strip away the vitamins, for example merely adding denatured. Nature. This is the biggest error made by dietitians, the. Livro Direito Penal Esquematizado Parte Geral. In considering the makeup of. Nature. What stupidity Nothing could be farther from the truth. Despite the abundance of food in the United States, nutritional deficiency. It is important to understand this because Americans are. Its like computers, Garbage in, Garbage out. Ive been talking to people for a long time about understanding the nature. Whenever I chat with someone with health problems and. Its stress Its genes Its the. Its the wife Its the mother in law, etc. Its everything. but the diet. Folks, 9. 9 of the time,. Since nutrition is a rather large topic, Ill start with a few important. For more information on nutrition. Anti Nutrients. Anti nutrients are substances to which we are all exposed through food and. Some anti nutrients bind. Others tie up enzymes needed in digestion. Some cause problems by creating a greater need for. Others cause nutrients to be excreted more rapidly from. In our world of high technology, the level of anti nutrients to. Many of the anti nutrients have. Anything you can do. Table sugar, food coloring, processed fats, additives like BHT, and most. United States often act as. For example, in 1. American agriculture. That is 4. 5 pounds for every. These chemicals have many adverse effects. Caffeine is another serious. Pharmaceutical drugs constitute another important category of anti nutrients. If drug therapy is short, the effects are minimal, but if one takes a drug. Below is a sample of the nutrients adversely affected. Taking drugs long term has more adverse effects than simply nutritional. Drug. Clinical Condition. Nutrient Affected. Antibioticsbacterial infection. Vit. K, A, B1. 2, Mg, folic acid. C, KAspirinpain, fever. B1, Vit. C, KCortisoneinflammation, allergy. Zn, K, folate, B6, Vit. C. D, Ca. Ritalinhyperactivity, ADDsuppresses appetite. Phenobarbitalseizure disorders. Vit. C, D, Ca, Mg, folic acid. Tetracyclineinfection. Zn, Ca, Fe, Mg, Vit. K, B2. B3, C, folate. Back to the top. Sugar. Simply stated, sugar lowers immunity. In 1. 95. 1, Benjamin Sandler, M. D., a. physician from Northern Carolina, wrote a book entitled Diet Prevents Polio. Dr. Sandlers work with rabbits and monkeys convinced him that high amounts. During the polio. Asheville radio station urging parents. His admonitions also ran in local newspapers. In 1. 94. 8, the incidence of polio in Northern Carolina was 2,4. In 1. 94. 9. after adopting the Sandler diet, the rate had fallen to 2. During. this time, the national incidence of polio 3. Was it a coincidence that the rate of polio dropped as the rate of sugar. Did removal of sugar from the diet improve. You can come to your own conclusion, but there is good. In a report published. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1. This decrease in immune function was still present five hours after sugar. There are numerous other studies that show decreases in immune function following. It is probably not significant when one only consumes sugar. However, on a daily basis it can wreak havoc on your immune system. The problem is sugar creeps into virtually every aspect of our diet, often. This is because sugar is added to almost every packaged. The average adult American consumes more than 1. This is 1. 4 times. Its far too much for our bodies. To help illustrate the harmful effects of sugar, lets use breakfast cereals. Many of the most popular childrens cereals contain almost. The presence of large amounts of sugar. As zinc levels. decline, the sense of taste declines as well. As taste perception declines. Usually this means adding more sugar. Pop Peeper Pro Serial on this page. This leads to a further reduction in. As a result. a child heaps more sugar on top of his cereal. The cycle goes on and on. In his book Fighting the Food Giants, biochemist Paul A. Stitt says. that it is no accident that childrens cereals are highly sugared. Food manufacturers. By marketing. cereal high in sugar, they were able to create virtual addicts to their products. What parent has not heard screams of a toddler in the grocery store demanding. It you want to have sweets, its better to get it from fresh fruit. Not canned. fruit, not dried fruit, but fresh fruit. Honey or real maple pure. Fruit provides a form of sugar called fructose. Because its a natural. There is one form of partly refined. I do recommend for non diabetics to be consumed on a routine basis. Im talking about organic Black strap. Molasses. The nutritional advantages of bio available iron and. USFlag. org A website dedicated to the Flag of the United. States of America. Francis Scott Key was a respected young lawyer living in Georgetown just west of where the. Key Bridge crosses the Potomac River the house was torn down after years of. He made his home there from 1. Mary and. their six sons and five daughters. At the time, Georgetown was a thriving town of 5,0. Capitol, the White House, and the Federal buildings of. But, after war broke out in 1. Britians attempts to regulate. American shipping and other activities while Britain was at war with France, all was not. Georgetown. The British had entered Chesapeake Bay on August 1. August, the British had invaded. Washington. They set fire to the Capitol and the White House, the flames. Baltimore. President James Madison,his wife Dolley, and his Cabinet had. Such was their haste to leave that they had had to rip the. Stuart portrait of George Washington from the walls without its frame A thunderstorm at dawn kept the fires from spreading. The next day more. Having done their work. British troops returned to their ships in and around the Chesapeake Bay. In the days following the attack on Washington, the American forces prepared for the assault on. Baltimore population 4. Word soon reached Francis Scott Key. British had carried off an elderly and much loved town physician of Upper Marlboro. Dr. William Beanes, and was being. British flagship TONNANT. The townsfolk feared that Dr. Beanes would be hanged. They asked Francis Scott Key for his help, and he agreed, and arranged to have Col. John Skinner. an American agent for prisoner exchange to accompany him. On the morning of September 3rd, he and Col. Skinner set sail from Baltimore aboard a sloop. President Madison. On the 7th they found and boarded the. TONNANT to confer with Gen. Ross and Adm. Alexander Cochrane. At first they refused to. Dr. Beanes. But Key and Skinner produced a pouch of letters written by wounded. British prisoners praising the care they were receiving from the Americans, among them. Dr. Beanes. The British officers relented but would not release the three Americans. Baltimore. They were placed under guard, first aboard the H. M. S. Surprise, then onto the sloop. British fleet. lets go back to the summer of 1. At the star shaped Fort Mc. Henry. the commander, Maj. George Armistead, asked for a flag so big that the British would have. Two officers, a Commodore and a General, were sent to. Baltimore home of Mary Young Pickersgill, a maker of colours, and commisioned the flag. Mary and her thirteen year old daughter Caroline, working in an upstairs front bedroom. They cut 1. 5 stars that measured two feet from. Eight red and seven white stripes, each two feet wide, were cut. Laying out. the material on the malthouse floor of Claggetts Brewery, a neighborhood establishment. By August it was finished. It measured 3. 0 by 4. The Baltimore Flag House, a museum, now occupies her premises, which were restored in 1. At 7 a. m. on the morning of September 1. British bombardment began, and the flag. The bombardment continued for 2. British firing 1,5. But they werent very dependable and often blew up in mid air. From special small boats the. British fired the new Congreve rockets that traced wobbly arcs of red flame across the sky. The Americans had sunk 2. British was not possible. That evening the connonading stopped, but at about 1 a. British fleet. roared to life, lighting the rainy night sky with grotesque fireworks. Key, Col. Skinner, and Dr. Beanes watched the battle with apprehension. They knew that as. Fort Mc. Henry had not surrendered. But, long before daylight. What the three Americans did not know was that. British land assault on Baltimore as well as the naval attack, had been abandoned. Judging Baltimore as being too costly a prize, the British officers ordered a retreat. Waiting in the predawn darkness, Key waited for the sight that would end his anxiety the. Gen. Armisteads great flag blowing in the breeze. When at last daylight. Being an amatuer poet and having been so uniquely inspired, Key began to write on the back of a. Sailing back to Baltimore he composed more lines and in his. Indian Queen Hotel he finished the poem. Judge J. H. Nicholson, his. Baltimore under the title Defence of Fort MHenry. Two of these copies survive. It was printed in a newspaper for the first time in the Baltimore Patriot on September 2. Georgia and New Hampshire. To the verses was added a note Tune. Anacreon in Heaven. In October a Baltimore actor sang Keys new song in a public. The Star Spangled Banner. Immediately popular, it remained just one of several patriotic airs until it was finally. March 3, 1. 93. 1. But the actual words were not included in. Key himself had written several versions with slight variations so. The flag, our beloved Star Spangled Banner, went on view ,for the first time after flying. Fort Mc. Henry, on January 1st,1. Old State House in Philadelphia for the. Centennial celebration. It now resides in the Smithsonian Institutions Museum. American History. An opaque curtain shields the now fragile flag from light and dust. The flag is exposed for viewing for a few moments once every hour during museum hours. Francis Scott Key was a witness to the last enemy fire to fall on Fort Mc. Henry. The Fort. was designed by a Frenchman named Jean Foncin and was named for then Secretary of war James. Mc. Henry. Fort Mc. Henry holds the unique designation of national monument and historic shrine. Since May 3. 0th, 1. Joint Resolution of Congress, over. Francis Scott Keys birthplace, Terra Rubra Farm, Carroll. County, Keymar, Maryland. The copy that Key wrote in his hotel September 1. Nicholson family for 9. In 1. 90. 7 it was sold to Henry Walters of Baltimore. In 1. 93. 4 it was bought at auction. New York from the Walters estate by the Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore for 2. The Walters Gallery in 1. Maryland Historical Society for the. Another copy that Key made is in the Library of Congress. Related Site The Patriots of Fort Mc. Henry. This. page is maintained by Duane Streufert, Contact Us. Questions or comments welcome This Site Established on 2. November. 1. 99. 4. Last Updated 1. 0 February 2. Web Design and Development by Visionary Enterprises.