Get Label Text From Resource File In Asp.Net

ImageGear-Net/v21.4/Windows/HTML/images/Tutorial_VS2010_CS_Creating.png' alt='Get Label Text From Resource File In Asp.Net' title='Get Label Text From Resource File In Asp.Net' />Performing Database Operations using Entity Framework Core and ASP. NET Core. WEBINAR On demand webcast. How to Boost Database Development Productivity on Linux, Docker, and Kubernetes with Microsoft SQL Server 2. REGISTER Entity Framework Core EF Core is the newest database programming framework for. NET developers. Its an obvious choice for ASP. NET Core developers. To that end, this article illustrates how to utilize Entity Framework Core for performing CRUD create, read, update, and delete operations on data. Note This article uses RC2 of EF Core. Via Usb 2 Hub Driver. Although there wont be many code level changes under the final version, you may need to adjust the package references accordingly. Create and Configure the Web Application. To begin, create a new ASP. The content you requested has already been retired. It is available to download on this page. Code and Text Editor. The code and text editor allows you to enter, display, and edit code or text. It is referred to as either the text editor or the code editor. NET Web Application using Visual Studio 2. You may read this article for quick instructions to do just that. Resource-Tuner_3.png' alt='Get Label Text From Resource File In Asp.Net' title='Get Label Text From Resource File In Asp.Net' />Spire. PDF for. NET is a PDF document creation component that enables your. NETC,VB. NET,ASP. NET applications to read, write and manipulate PDF documents without. In this article you will learn about the most asked ASP. NET MVC Interview Questions and Answers. Hi, Im currently searching for a solution that can print my ZPL code to a PDF file. It seems unfindable and I doubt it will be possible, but for my last. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained with an example, how to use Global Resource in ASP. Net i. e. in other words how to use Resource file in ASP. Net using C and VB. Net. I am trying to create a custom UserControl for displaying and editing US phone numbers. On the editing side, I want to enforce numericonly data entry in. Once the Web application is created, open the Project. Entity Framework specific entries. The following markup shows the relevant entries of Project. Microsoft. Entity. Framework. Core. Sql. Server. 1. 0. 0 rc. Microsoft. Entity. Framework. Core. Tools. You also may consider modifying the tools section of Project. Microsoft. Entity. Framework. Core. Tools. You can grab the complete Project. Then, open the Startup class and modify it as shown in the following code public class Startup. IConfiguration Configuration get set. StartupIHosting. Environment env. Configuration. Builder builder. Configuration. Builder. Set. Base. Pathenv. Content. Root. Path. Add. Json. FileApp. Settings. json. Configuration builder. Build. public void Configure. ServicesIService. Collection services. Add. Mvc. services. Add. Entity. Framework. Sql. Server. public void ConfigureIApplication. Builder app. app. Use. Static. Files. Use. Mvcroutes. Map. Route. name default. Home. actionIndexid. The preceding code consists of a constructor and two methods, Configure. Services and Configure. The constructor reads the App. Settings. json file. The database connection string is typically stored in the App. Settings. json file. You can add this file to the project by using the Add New Item dialog and then add the following database connection string to it. Default. Connection. Connection. String Server. DatabaseEFCore. CRUDDemo. TrustedConnectionTrue. This configuration is read inside the Startup constructor and is loaded into a static property, Configuration. We do this so that the configuration information can be retrieved anywhere in the application. Note There are better ways, such as DI, to pass configuration information to the rest of the application. However, to keep things simple, this example uses a static variable. The Configure. Services method adds MVC and Entity Framework for SQL Server services to the container. Creating the Db. Context and Entity Class. Now that you have created and configured the project, add a Models folder to it and add a class named Customer. The Customer entity class is shown in the next code TableCustomers. Customer. String. Length5. public string Customer. ID get set. String. Length3. Company. Name get set. String. Length4. Contact. Name get set. String. Length4. Country get set. The Table attributes added to the Customer class indicates that it maps with the underlying entity maps to the Customers table of the database. The Customer class has four properties Custoemr. ID, Company. Name, Contact. Name, and Country. These properties also have data annotations for the sake of validation. These attributes also are used during the database creation process more on that later. Then, add the Db. Context class named App. Db. Context. The App. Db. Context class is shown below public class App. Db. Context Db. Context. Db. Setlt Customer Customers get set. On. Configuring. Db. Context. Options. Builder options. Builder. Builder. Use. Sql. ServerStartup. Configuration. Data Default. Connection Connection. String. The App. Db. Context class inherits from the Db. Context base class and overrides the On. Configuring method of the base class. Inside the On. Configuring method, the code calls the Use. Sql. Server method of Db. Context. Options. Builder and passes it a database connection string. Notice how the database connection string is read using the Configuration static property. The App. Db. Context class also has a Customers Db. Set. Creating the Home. Controller. Now, add a Controllers folder to the project and add a Home. Controller class to it. The Home. Controller class consists of six actions Index, two Insert variations, two Update variations, and Delete. The Index action is shown below public IAction. Result Index. using App. Db. Context db new App. Db. Context. var query from c in db. Customers. orderby c. Customer. ID ascending. Viewquery. To. List. The Index action instantiates the App. Db. Context and fetches all the Customer records. A List of Customer objects is passed to the Index view as its model. The Insert method has two overloads, one that handles GET requests and the other that handles POST requests. These variations are shown below public IAction. Result Insert. return View. IAction. Result InsertCustomer obj. Model. State. Is. Valid. using App. Db. Context db new App. Db. Context. db. Customers. Addobj. Save. Changes. Viewobj. The first Insert action simply returns an empty Insert view to the browser. The second Insert action is called when the user fills the Insert view and clicks the Save button. Through the model binding, a Customer object is received and is added to the Customers Db. Set. The Save. Changes method is called to persist the changes to the database. The Update actions are similar to the Insert actions with a little change. IAction. Result Updatestring id. App. Db. Context db new App. Db. Context. Customer obj db. Customers. Wherec c. Customer. ID. id. Single. Or. Default. Viewobj. public IAction. Result UpdateCustomer obj. Model. State. Is. Valid. using App. Db. Context db new App. Db. Context. db. Entryobj. State Entity. State. Modified. db. Save. Changes. return Viewobj. The first Update action receives a Customer. ID through the id route parameter. It then fetches an existing Customer based on this Customer. ID. The Customer object thus obtained is passed to the Update view. This is done so that the Update view can display existing customer data for modification. The second Update is called when the user modifies a customer and clicks the Save button. This method sets the State property to Modified to mark that the entity is a modified one. Then, Save. Changes is called to save the changes to the physical database. The Delete action is quite straightforward and is as follows public IAction. Result Deletestring id. App. Db. Context db new App. Db. Context. Customer obj db. Customers. Wherec c. Customer. ID. id. Single. Or. Default. Customers. Removeobj. Save. Changes. return Redirect. To. ActionIndex. The Delete action receives a Customer. ID through the id route parameter. The code then finds an existing Customer entry matching that Customer. ID. The Customer object is then deleted from the Db. Set using the Remove method. The Save. Changes method is called as before to persist the changes. Once a record is deleted, the user is taken back to the Index page by using the Redirect. To. Action method. Globalization and localization in ASP. NET Core. By Rick Anderson, Damien Bowden, Bart Calixto, Nadeem Afana, and Hisham Bin Ateya. Creating a multilingual website with ASP. NET Core will allow your site to reach a wider audience. ASP. NET Core provides services and middleware for localizing into different languages and cultures. Internationalization involves Globalization and Localization. Harmon Kardon Speakers Driver Hp Laptop. Globalization is the process of designing apps that support different cultures. Globalization adds support for input, display, and output of a defined set of language scripts that relate to specific geographic areas. Localization is the process of adapting a globalized app, which you have already processed for localizability, to a particular culturelocale. For more information see Globalization and localization terms near the end of this document. App localization involves the following Make the apps content localizable. Provide localized resources for the languages and cultures you support. Implement a strategy to select the languageculture for each request. Make the apps content localizable. Introduced in ASP. NET Core, IString. Localizer and IString. Localizerlt T were architected to improve productivity when developing localized apps. IString. Localizer uses the Resource. Manager and Resource. Reader to provide culture specific resources at run time. The simple interface has an indexer and an IEnumerable for returning localized strings. IString. Localizer doesnt require you to store the default language strings in a resource file. You can develop an app. The code below shows how to wrap the string About Title for localization. Microsoft. Asp. Net. Core. Mvc. using Microsoft. Extensions. Localization. Localization. Starter. Web. Controllers. Routeapicontroller. About. Controller Controller. IString. Localizerlt About. Controller localizer. About. ControllerIString. Localizerlt About. Controller localizer. Http. Get. public string Get. About Title. In the code above, the IString. Localizerlt T implementation comes from Dependency Injection. If the localized value of About Title is not found, then the indexer key is returned, that is, the string About Title. You can leave the default language literal strings in the app and wrap them in the localizer, so that you can focus on developing the app. You develop your app with your default language and prepare it for the localization step without first creating a default resource file. Alternatively, you can use the traditional approach and provide a key to retrieve the default language string. For many developers the new workflow of not having a default language. Other developers will prefer the traditional work flow as it can make it easier to work with longer string literals and make it easier to update localized strings. Use the IHtml. Localizerlt T implementation for resources that contain HTML. IHtml. Localizer HTML encodes arguments that are formatted in the resource string, but does not HTML encode the resource string itself. In the sample highlighted below, only the value of name parameter is HTML encoded. System. using Microsoft. Asp. Net. Core. Http. Microsoft. Asp. Net. Core. Localization. Microsoft. Asp. Net. Core. Mvc. using Microsoft. Asp. Net. Core. Mvc. Localization. namespace Localization. Starter. Web. Controllers. Book. Controller Controller. IHtml. Localizerlt Book. Controller localizer. Book. ControllerIHtml. Localizerlt Book. Controller localizer. IAction. Result Hellostring name. View. DataMessage localizerlt b Hellolt b lt i 0lt i, name. View. Note You generally want to only localize text and not HTML. At the lowest level, you can get IString. Localizer. Factory out of Dependency Injection. Test. Controller Controller. IString. Localizer localizer. IString. Localizer localizer. Test. ControllerIString. Localizer. Factory factory. Shared. Resource. Name new Assembly. Nametype. Get. Type. Info. Assembly. Full. Name. localizer factory. Createtype. localizer. CreateShared. Resource, assembly. Name. Name. public IAction. Result About. View. DataMessage localizerYour application description page. Your application description page. The code above demonstrates each of the two factory create methods. You can partition your localized strings by controller, area, or have just one container. In the sample app, a dummy class named Shared. Resource is used for shared resources. Dummy class to group shared resources. Localization. Starter. Web. public class Shared. Resource. Some developers use the Startup class to contain global or shared strings. In the sample below, the Info. Controller and the Shared. Resource localizers are used public class Info. Controller Controller. IString. Localizerlt Info. Controller localizer. IString. Localizerlt Shared. Resource shared. Localizer. Info. ControllerIString. Localizerlt Info. Controller localizer. IString. Localizerlt Shared. Resource shared. Localizer. Localizer shared. Localizer. public string Test. Loc. string msg Shared resx shared. LocalizerHello. Info resx localizerHello. View localization. The IView. Localizer service provides localized strings for a view. The View. Localizer class implements this interface and finds the resource location from the view file path. The following code shows how to use the default implementation of IView. Localizer using Microsoft. Asp. Net. Core. Mvc. Localization. inject IView. Localizer Localizer. View. DataTitle LocalizerAbout. View. DataTitle. lt h. View. DataMessagelt h. LocalizerUse this area to provide additional information. The default implementation of IView. Localizer finds the resource file based on the views file name. There is no option to use a global shared resource file. View. Localizer implements the localizer using IHtml. Localizer, so Razor doesnt HTML encode the localized string. You can parameterize resource strings and IView. Localizer will HTML encode the parameters, but not the resource string. Consider the following Razor markup Localizerlt i Hellolt i lt b 0lt b, User. Manager. Get. User. NameUser. A French resource file could contain the following Key. Valuelt i Hellolt i lt b 0lt b lt i Bonjourlt i lt b 0 lt b The rendered view would contain the HTML markup from the resource file. Note You generally want to only localize text and not HTML. To use a shared resource file in a view, inject IHtml. Localizerlt T using Microsoft. Asp. Net. Core. Mvc. Localization. using Localization. Starter. Web. Services. IView. Localizer Localizer. IHtml. Localizerlt Shared. Resource Shared. Localizer. View. DataTitle LocalizerAbout. View. DataTitle. lt h. Shared. LocalizerHellolt h. Data. Annotations localization. Data. Annotations error messages are localized with IString. Localizerlt T. Using the option Resources. Path Resources, the error messages in Register. View. Model can be stored in either of the following paths ResourcesView. Models. Account. Register. View. Model. fr. resx. ResourcesView. ModelsAccountRegister. View. Model. fr. resxpublic class Register. View. Model. RequiredError. Message The Email field is required. Email. AddressError. Message The Email field is not a valid e mail address.